Seri DTA dirancang untuk aplikasi praktis dengan 3 output sinyal yang paling sering diadopsi di industri dan dilengkapi dengan berbagai fungsi praktis dan struktur transmisi, memastikan transmisi data yang cepat dan stabil.
Pipa koil blower di sistem AC sentral, sistem pemanas.
- PID / On-Off/ manual input control modes
- Auto-tuning PID parameters
- Various thermocouple (B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, TXK) and platinum RTD (PT100, JPT100) can be set by parameters
- Built-in 2 groups of alarm switches with 13 alarm modes each
- Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature display
- 2 key lock functions: (1. lock all keys; 2. lock only function key, up/down keys are still workable)
- Panel size: 4848, 4896, 9648, 7272, 9696
- Optional RS-485 communication interface (Modbus ASCII, RTU, baud rate: 2,400 ~ 38,400)
- Optional CT (wire breaking detection) function, an alarm output
- Sampling time of sensor: 0.5 second/time
- Certifications: IP5X protection, CE, UL
DTA4848V0 |
DTA4896V0 |
DTA9648C0 |
DTA9648V0 |
DTA7272V0 |
DTA9696V0 |
DTA4848V1 |
DTA4896V1 |
DTA9648V1 |
DTA7272V1 |
DTA9696V1 |
DTA4848R0 |
DTA4896R0 |
DTA9648R0 |
DTA7272R0 |
DTA7272R0-T |
DTA9696R0 |
DTA4848R1 |
DTA4896R1 |
DTA7272R1 |
DTA9648R1 |
DTA9696R1 |
DTA4848C0 |
DTA4896C0 |
DTA7272C0 |
DTA9696C0 |
DTA4848C1 |
DTA4896C1 |
DTA7272C1 |
DTA9696C1 |